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健康沒有代替品,但我們可以自己選擇好的產品!! MI生活健康小舖為Mik and Ida所建立的,在長期待在生技產業之中,Mik與Ida見過市面上充斥著琳瑯滿目的產品使人眼花撩亂,所以ㄧ起推薦我們所認同的好產品給大家分享!!
WHY.AND.1/2埔里店.30年來一步一腳印實時實在在經營.提供小孩.成人最舒適最流行最健康的衣服.是 一個品牌.也是服務的保證
since 1995年 - 專業銷售鈦鍺類保健飾品及流行飾品的公司 旗下自營及代理品牌 1. 愛迪莫鈦鍺 &MORE 2. 羅亞戴蒙鋼飾 (神木與瞳代言) 3. 日本TONMA鈦鍺 旗下銷售據點 1. 西門116 2. 西門武昌 3. 中壢大江 網路銷售據點 1. YAHOO 2. PCHOME 3.MOMO ... 等 !! 官方網站 www.and-more.com.tw 力奇國際公司成立於1995年. 以經營網路飾品銷售起家. 隨著2005年起全球及台灣的網路購物浪潮而興起 ... 自加入雅虎購物中心飾品及體育用品館銷售當月起開始獲利至今... 現已將網路零售通路擴及至pchome . 博客萊 . momo . 東森網型 . 樂天 .拍賣 . 中國淘寶 ... 等十數家國內外一線的網路購物平台 ... 近年來並逐漸將營運觸角擴展至實體百貨專櫃及外銷 (新加坡 上海 馬來西亞 美國 ... 等地 )
啟貿興業股份有限公司成立於民國82年, 主要從事連接器設計, 製造及銷售. 本公司在中國有二處生產據點, 主要客戶有FCI, TYCO等世界知名連接器大公司. 歡迎誠懇認真的朋友一起加入 我們的行列。 Kemax was founded in 1993. For more than 10 years, we have been strive for the manufacture and development of electrical connector. During the first years, we developed the auto pin-insert machine--ISA 98 PIN SLOT. In 1996, Golden Dragon Glory Electronics Factory was set up in Shenzhen City, China to manufacture the FPC series products. After that, we also expanded our product line to manufacture PCI SLOT AGP SLOT. Since Year 2000, we have devoted ourselves to producing power minifit connector, MCA slot, FPC, PLCC, and etc. The next year, we applied for the patent right of AIMM AGP slot, and in the same year, we succeeded to achieve the production goal of 1.5 million per month. At present, we have our product lines in place, such as MS, SD, 3GIO, DDR184, socket, CT connector and so on. For these years, it has been our belief to serve our clients better with the ideas of honesty, satisfaction creation.
成龍商務有限公司創立於1983年. 初期針對台北縣市小型貨品運送以機車為主,隨後採用貨車運送大型物件. 並於1990年成為業界最具規模的快遞公司. 其後更因送貨品質,速度成為各行業御用快遞, 至此發展至今將至20年, 享有20年的好商譽, 為大台北快遞業界的元老. 成龍快遞有別於新式分區快遞,採用沿路收送方式,配合每位外務人員位置已達到 [ 收/送 ] 工作效率/ 取送時間最迅速化. 藉此達到客戶對於快遞界的需求, 因此20年間商家流傳著一句話, “要快, 就要叫成龍” . 於2011年, 本公司將會開始規劃進行e 化以及 M 化作業以作公司擴展用途, 其中包括衛星定位系統, PDA系統 以及CTI 系統等等. 未來本公司將陸續將公司營運範圍擴大至全省, 以真正達成本公司一條龍的精神. 至此, 我們期盼有更多敢於計畫, 提供意見, 積極工作的夥伴加入成龍商務. Chenglon Express was founded in 1983 which first focused on Taipei motorcycle deliveries and then later include the truck delivery service. In 1990, Chenglon became the largest and most famous delivery company. Furthermore, due to the high standards of service, our company has become the top priority choice for industries in Taipei for 20 years and even today. Unlike other companies, Chenglon uses a one-route method which requires only one worker to pick up the item and delivered to the desired address without transferring the item to another co-worker which increases efficiency ,shortens the time of delivery and achieves a good satisfactory from customers. Therefore, Chenglon has a traditional slogan that translates,” Want Fast, Call Chenglon.” In 2011, our company plans to start using advanced technologies which includes GPS locating service, PDA system, CTI system, etc. In the future, we hope to expand our company further to all of the cities in Taiwan. To achieve the “dragon spirit”, better service, better efficiency, better satisfaction
1.門市開業多年.並加入聯鎖品牌WHY AND 1/2童裝行列.以目前少子化的年代.尤其是年輕一代的父母們.求質求精的要求下.有品牌的童裝將是未來趨勢. 我門的宗旨: 1.讓顧客看見我們的品牌有幸福的感覺 2.讓顧客到店裡來消費是一種享受 3.讓員工在門市工作是一種快樂
企業簡介 從2005年5月中開始的俊龍嬰兒用品有限公司,多年來致力於嬰幼兒產品的銷售, 以提供客戶一個優質的交易環境和方式為主要的目標。近年來,俊龍逐漸拓展我們的業務擴及到北中南部等地區,銷售的產品也越來越多元化: • 香港 K’s Kids 奇智奇思系列 • 加拿大 B.TOYS 嬰幼兒啟智玩具 • 美國 百年經典Radio Flyer • 德國 Faber-Castell 輝柏系列 • 法國 MAPED 馬彼得系列 • 加拿大 ATTITUDE 清潔用品系列 • 德國 sigikid • 妳心哺乳系列
Amer Sports (www.amersports.com) is the world’s leading sports equipment company with internationally recognized brands including Salomon, Wilson, Precor, Atomic, Suunto, Acr’teryx, Mavic and Bonfire. Amer Sports Group develops and manufactures technically advanced products that improve the performance of active sports participants. The Group’s business is balanced by our broad portfolio of sports and our presence in all major markets. To support the tremendous business growth, Amer Sports Group has established a HK based sourcing office, Amer Sports Sourcing Limited, to lead all Asia sourcing operations of its brands. Amer Sports Asia Sourcing is now looking for high caliber candidates with a passion for sports to join and grow with the Company for below listed vacancy.
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